5 Steps to Help You Through A Non-Perfect Life


5 Steps to Help You Through A Non-Perfect Life
by Linda De Carvalho

Nature WalkThe images are everywhere! You know, the ones featuring the happy couple walking hand in hand on some beautiful beach at sunset. Or, maybe it’s an internet ad that shows a picture-perfect family with smiling faces at the dinner table. And let’s not forget the life-defining social media posts! Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become the new digital family albums. It’s seems everyone is scrambling to snap, share, and admire flawless pictures of the baby, the happy couple, the birthday child, or an amazing restaurant dish before it’s devoured.

Framing our lives is becoming all-consuming for some us. On the surface it looks like more people than ever are “living the dream.” If it’s true that a picture is worth a thousand words, the countless number of images should suggest that we are truly happy and going through life without a care.

cell phone dinner tableREALLY!?! When was the last time you found yourself sitting at the dinner table with all family members present and smiling? And if they are present and smiling, they are more likely than not, interacting with their mobile devices. If you’re a parent, how long did it really take to get the baby to pose just right? Oh, and the happy couple in that Facebook photo, they are now divorced.

There’s no doubt that life can be rough at times. If we took pictures of our lives during a 24-hour period, the reality may be that we are all struggling to make it through countless situations that pop up. Our days may resemble an endless stream of challenges—some big, some small. And just when you feel that you’ve made it and your life is absolutely perfect like one of those ads, something pops up and catches you off guard. You know, like when you finally get a big tax refund just in time for the car to break down!

Facing problems and the non-perfect side of life may leave you wondering how you got to this place. Why do things always seem to happen to you? You may find yourself shouting, “this isn’t what I signed up for!”

So, how can you get through this non-perfect life?

  1. Your life is unique. Equating your life against an image that a clever marketing professional dreamed up to sell a product or against another’s internet post is not a fair or true comparison. Everyone’s situation is different and made up of a unique history and future!
  2. Look past the perfect image. Realize that we are all in the same situation and just doing the best we can. A picture literally reflects a mere moment in time, not everyday life. For example, that smiling baby picture doesn’t reveal that this same cutie pie won’t sleep and that the baby formula and diapers are expensive.
  3. Don’t let others define you. Pictures can label a person or situation. They don’t always tell the story behind a life. Always stay true to who you are and who you strive to be. Stop trying to live up to someone else’s expectations or dreams.
  4. Stay strong and strive to make it better. Just because everyday trials and tribulations are a part of life doesn’t mean you’re stuck! Staying healthy in mind and body is a great place to start; then strive to improve your situation. Explore your options and discover new ways to stay positive, active, and strong. Try to make the most of each day by simply doing the best that you can. Also, remember that the most difficult moments in life can make you stronger.
  5. Don’t go it alone. Talk about problems with others. Learn what they have done to help them get through similar problems or situations. Seek professional help when you need it.

Finally, there is NO perfect life! Stop blaming yourself or others for not having what you think is the ultimate situation. Perfection is not an option, only something that is very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. Don’t believe me? Drop by unannounced one day on that so-called perfect family and you may be surprised at what you see!

Portrait of Happy Family Piled Up In Park


And if you happened to be someone who feels they’ve made it in life, try to help someone else get there. The journey is far more important than what is measured by others.


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